diet as per bodytype |
All of us must have come across much mumbo-jumbo about what to eat and what not to eat..! To address those confusions, I am trying to prescribe a simplified diet plan, including the DOs & DONTs of every case:
(please note - This Diet is for the Average Individual who is trying to get in shape & Look good)
Since this type of a guy has an extremely fast metabolism, this person needs to eat more frequently and huge amount of (right) calories to gain quality bodyweight.
These kind of people are quite sensitive to the number of calories they consume. If the number of calories exceed the quantity required by the body, the excess is immediately channeled towards reserves storage in form of body fat. This category needs to be extremely careful about the extent and source of their calorie intake.
A complete sample Meal-Plan for endomorphs can be covered later. Please let me know in the comments section if you want me to cover that topic as well.
The mosomorphs are the 'Genetically Gifted' blesses individuals who are not bothered much with unwanted body fat gains and these individuals find it extremely easy to gain muscle or be in shape.
Ectomorphs - High Carbohydrates, High Fats & Moderate Protein 💪
Endomorphs - Low Carbohydrates, Moderate Fats & High Proteins 💪 💪
Mesomorphs - Moderate Carbohydrates, Moderate Fats & Moderate Proteins 💪 💪 💪
(please note - This Diet is for the Average Individual who is trying to get in shape & Look good)
Since this type of a guy has an extremely fast metabolism, this person needs to eat more frequently and huge amount of (right) calories to gain quality bodyweight.
👉 Eating rules 👈:
- Eat Every 2 hours
- Eat a small mean / Shake within half a hour of waking up in the morning
- Eat a Lot of High Glycemic carbs along with Low Glycemic ones. Shall cover a separate detailed topic on the types of carbs mentioned.
- Include good amount of dietary fats including Red meat, Clarified Butter, Margarine, Mayonnaise etc...yes you need to go overboard !
- Have whole eggs to his heart's content
- Dring Milk before going to bed at night. This would ensure that a steady supply of protein is available all throughout the night and that the body doesn't go into a negative nitrogen state.
- Drink a lot of water
These kind of people are quite sensitive to the number of calories they consume. If the number of calories exceed the quantity required by the body, the excess is immediately channeled towards reserves storage in form of body fat. This category needs to be extremely careful about the extent and source of their calorie intake.
👉 Eating rules 👈:
- Focus on eating low glycemic carbs, which should be ideally had during the 1st half of the day
- High Glycemic carbs to be had strictly before or after a workout
- Include High protein in every meal
- Include Green Tea & Black Coffee without sugar throughout the day, especially as a pre-workout drink
- Golden rule - Avoid everything WHITE in color (except Milk & Egg Whites) and everything which tastes SWEET.
- Eat no carbs post 6 pm each day.
- Go for a 10-minute brisk walk before having Dinner
- Drink a lot of water
A complete sample Meal-Plan for endomorphs can be covered later. Please let me know in the comments section if you want me to cover that topic as well.
The mosomorphs are the 'Genetically Gifted' blesses individuals who are not bothered much with unwanted body fat gains and these individuals find it extremely easy to gain muscle or be in shape.
👉 Eating rules 👈:
- Eat high protein and moderate carbs/fats throughout the day
- Though much of almost everything that you consume shall be smartly processed and taken care of, don't start EATING LIKE A PIG- be sensible
- Not much 'Gyan' for this breed of metabolic-champs!
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